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Communiqués de presse

Vorsicht beim Aufenthalt an der alten Aare

Das sommerliche Wetter lädt viele Leute zum Aufenthalt an der alten Aare zwischen Winznau und Niedergösgen ein. Doch Vorsicht: Der Wasserspiegel im…

Energieunternehmen gründen IT Service Center, ISC AG

Fünf schweizerische Energieunternehmen haben am 30. April 2002 eine neue Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für IT-Services im Energiebereich gegründet. Das…

Atel General Meeting

At the 107th Annual General Meeting in Olten, the shareholders of Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) were able to look back on a successful…

Continued success for Atel in 2001

Switzerland’s leading electricity trader has enjoyed a successful year in 2001. Atel achieved excellent results in both its energy trading and energy…

Atel acquires Italian power stations

The Edipower consortium yesterday afternoon received the go-ahead from Rome for its proposed takeover of Eurogen. As a member of the Edipower…

Neue Tochtergesellschaft (AIT)

Successful 2001

Atel, the energy service provider, reports a successful year in 2001, with consolidated turnover up 28% year-on-year to CHF 4.2 billion and group…

Qualitätsmanagement nach ISO 9001 : 2000 (AIT)

E-World of Energy 2002

Atel and EGT establish energy trading company

On 8 November 2001 Atel Energie AG of Offenburg and EGT Energie GmbH of Triberg completed the notary formalities for establishing a new company named…